
iTrue – A Decentralized Authentication Platform for Enterprises and Users


Since the invention of E-commerce in the early ‘90s, there has been a rapid growth in online sales, financial services companies and trading enterprises. These growth at some point retards digital services due to the facts that
• Poor authentication measures that slows down business efficiency which leads to the abandonment of forgotten passwords or debit/credit card details.
• Storing of authentication data which are cumbersome and thus get broken down or lost.
• User experience towards the system is insatiable.
• Users lack control over their data.
• Heavy budgets are placed on plastic cards and secured authentication upgrades on yearly basis.
These problems create an unsafe, inconvenient and inefficient arena for both the start-up, medium and even large business enterprises, in the online market economy. What if there is an ecosystem that provides security, scalability, no chain-of-command between users and enterprises, and also a reward system available to everyone in the blockchain? iTrue is the ecosystem!

What is iTrue?
iTrue is a Blockchain-as-a-Service (BaaS) solution that features a built-in authentication system with biometrics as its core microservice. Companies and developers can use the platform to authenticate their users, to build their own blockchain network, and to earn rewards from a fair exchange of data. Users can use the platform to conveniently and securely get authenticated, control how their data is used, and earn by sharing their personal data in a controlled manner.


Blockchain-as-a-Service (BaaS)
As a blockchain, iTrue deals with the enhancement of the security, capacity and speed storage of decentralized applications. This means that the need of heavy budgets on storage replacement are wiped off, data deletion is immutable, and unlimited speed and capacity is assured.

For Individual Users;
• Privacy
• Confidential storage of data
• Ease of Access
• Participation in Data Economy

For Businesses;
• Automation
• Compliance with Regulation
• Data Exchange
• Customized Applications
For Developers;
• Time-to-Market and Scalability
• Tokenized Benefits
• Extensibility and Turing Completeness

Identity-as-a-Service (IDaaS)
• Identity Verification (IDV)
With iTrue, security and privacy through biometric recognition, are provided to users of financial institutions at low cost. Also, expenses of KYC procedures are reduced to almost zero and boosts user experience.
• Biometric Recognition
iTrue makes identity simpler and easier. As your biometrics (hand veins, fingerprints, iris and facial recognition) are unique to you, no one has access to your assets and liability.
• Privacy Control
With iTrue, personal privacy is guaranteed. In compliance with GDPR, users know exactly who has access to their data. For example, if you want to authenticate on a particular service (say a social network), then you need to confirm that you are sharing your data with that service.


With the above features and innovation; a well good roadmap; with high-profile experts in their team, iTrue is set to put an end to compromise in security, data theft and heavy security system upgrades. In no time, they will offer financial businesses a free and instant access to decentralized security, to both the individual users, business enterprises and the developers. I recommend everyone to join this ship before it sails.

#iTrue #DataMonetization #GDPRCompliance #iTrueio#informationSecurity #DataLeakage #Security #ITU #PrivacyControl

Useful Information links:
My Profile BTT:;u=1977323
Ethereum address:


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