

Encrybit Exchange Platform Modern cryptocurrency exchanges seemingly should take into account the mistakes of their predecessors. It is logical that they should become faster, more convenient, the level of technical support should be the highest. But with the release of each new exchange, we are faced with the fact that the new platform is not as fast as we were promised, the withdrawal of own funds can take up to 24 hours, and in some cases you will have to wait a couple of days if the transaction fell on a day off. In general, sheer disappointment. Of course there are exceptions, platforms providing really high-quality and fast service, but their units, and the market is inexorably growing, and everything is waiting for new, modern and high-quality platforms for the exchange of cryptoactive assets. Encrybit Exchange is positioned as a cryptocurrency exchange of the future, with its intra-exchange token ENCX. I want to note that all ingenious is simple, and at times, in order to make ...


[ICO] Vendio - рекламная видео платформа ВВЕДЕНИЕ & ЗНАКОМСТВО Ни для кого не секрет, что видео реклама на интернет ресурсах бьет все рекорды по просмотрам и является мощным оружием производителей по продвижению своих товаров и услуг. Статистика показывает, что вместе с ростом потребления видео растут и способы его потребления. Таким образом можно сделать вывод о том что симбиоз видео потребителей и рекламодателей растет и процветает. 45% людей смотрят Facebook или YouTube видео более часа в неделю. Если прибегнуть к нехитрым расчетам, то можно увидеть что ежедневный трафик просмотра видео в социальной сети Facebook составляет 100 миллионов часов. Маркетологи всего мира учитывая такой объем и скорость потребления, добавляют видео Facebook в свою стратегию Контента. Ожидается, что к 2021 году объем видеорекламы в социальных сетях вырастет до 17 миллиардов долларов. Не смотря на такие умопомрачительные цифры современные платформы не сильно заморачиваются с качественной поставкой рек...


PARQ - A green, intelligent and networked city platform About the project What is PARQ? Parksen is an easy-to-use Green, Smart and Connected City platform that is accessible via a public API and runs entirely on the existing Parksen Parking Cloud. Using the Ethereum Blockchain, IOTA Tangle and our own PARQ Utility Tokens, we will offer a Variety of solutions and smart contracts that directly benefit a wide range of stakeholders in urban metropolitan areas and smaller cities. The PARQ team wants to use an open and universal ledger to record and map data that gives us a picture of important bottlenecks in urban areas. With this information, we can continuously improve traffic flow, reduce carbon monoxide emissions and traffic jams, and replace and renew outdated technologies, investing in intelligent parking solutions through IoT (Internet of Things) devices, green field appliances, a real-time parking app, and universal dashboards. The challenges ahead OUTDATED SYSTEMS - A big and glo...


Eatonomy Review Greetings to the whole community, I am passionate about the crypto coins and a follower of good projects like Eatonomy. In this new publication I would like to present the Eatonomy project. I'm sure you've heard a lot about Blockchain, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Crytocurrencies, ICO... but Eatonomy blockchain is the coolest, and for more details we're going to the following topics: If we observe how society has evolved, from tribal societies we have moved to a different social structure in the modern world where people work in a specialized way and can do so in a global environment, from anywhere in the world due to the advent of technology and Internet. Eatonomy is a social media platform with blockchain-based financial investors.The Eatonomy social network will be one of unique and crypto social networks that will find cryptographic enthusiasts on a common platform and allow them to spread the appeal of information, including financial information, without missing...


AlphaX - New Generation Cryptocurrency Hi! Today we are in a position to enter a new era, called the blockchain or, more precisely, the 'Value Internet', which is based on digital goods. Blockchain allows us to exchange any digital asset at any time anywhere in the world. Like a traditional register, blockchain is basically a transaction log. These transactions can be exchanges of money, goods or data. Decentralized applications and decentralization generally tend to capture all new technologies, important steps being taken in this area that is now beginning to attract more revenue streams from visionary investors. Now I want to introduce you one of this year's startups which is called AlphaX. I will explain you about this start-up, official sale of chips, team and potential. About AlphaX AlphaX is an entirely new generation of crypto-currency based on Scrypt using a complete Proof Of Stake (POS) network. The transactions made over Alpha-X's...

crypt on

Crypt-ON Platform Overview Crypt-ON is to provide safe and secure transactions in cryptocurrency on a peer to peer platform. It is facilitated by blockchain technology. This project aims to create Decentralized Autonomous Organization which the members can independently manage. The decisions on that platform are made by the voting and ranking the options available. The functions of the Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) can be identified as, P2P-lending P2P local exchange Crypto freelance job Escrow service In developing DAO it has been followed four steps. They are, Creating an ecosystem – This ecosystem will be a global workspace for all participants. It provides various services to its participants. Eg. Offering simple tools to investors to perform different tasks. Building a community – The users of this platform are not considered as customers. But, they are the members who expect the prosperity and development. Building a business – In or...


Get Closer to LOONIE ECOSYSTEM About the project Hello my readers am here to write to you a promising project about LOONIE The Loonie Network will be launched in three phases. In the first stage, our prize exchanges will allow prize hunters to combine a dozen of their tokens into one or two that they can easily trade directly on the platform or in their chosen exchanges. Phase two will look at the introduction of a fair and affordable Freelancing platform based on smart contracts to ensure all parties involved are protected. Phase will bring a new type of decentralized exchange. Like traditional financial assets, exchanges play a key role for Bitcoin and other digital currencies. And just as history has been shown in equity and futures markets, crypto exchange can be a problematic element of the rapidly expanding world of digital assets. On the surface, they look very similar to the stock market, matching buyers to sellers and publishing prices. But in many ways they are very differ...