About the project

Hello my readers am here to write to you a promising project about LOONIE

The Loonie Network will be launched in three phases. In the first stage, our prize exchanges will allow prize hunters to combine a dozen of their tokens into one or two that they can easily trade directly on the platform or in their chosen exchanges.

Phase two will look at the introduction of a fair and affordable Freelancing platform based on smart contracts to ensure all parties involved are protected.

Phase will bring a new type of decentralized exchange.

Like traditional financial assets, exchanges play a key role for Bitcoin and other digital currencies. And just as history has been shown in equity and futures markets, crypto exchange can be a problematic element of the rapidly expanding world of digital assets. On the surface, they look very similar to the stock market, matching buyers to sellers and publishing prices. But in many ways they are very different, potentially exposing investors to risks that they may not fully appreciate. That is an alarming rule and encourages new exchanges to find ways to reduce harm.

They share a key function, as a place to trade assets, but the similarity ends there. Crypto exchanges both hold investor assets and charge broker commissions, functions that are usually separate in the stock world. This helps make many exchanges very profitable, just as the fees they charge are greater than traditional exchanges. For example, the second largest crypto site in Japan, Coincheck Inc., is almost as profitable as 2017 as Japan Exchange Group, the largest stock and derivatives market operator in the country. Another important difference: Although the stock market is tightly regulated, their digital-asset partners have so far had very little, if any, oversight in most jurisdictions.

Sam Tabar, a strategist in AirSwap, which opened a decentralized place in April, predicts that traders who migrate to the new model will become big crypto stories this year. But others like Chia Hock Lai, president of the Singapore Fintech Association, said new types of exchanges have their own special problems, such as lower user experience and lower levels of technical support. For David Lee, author of the Digital Currency Handbook, a decentralized place in five to 10 years will be the main way to trade crypto currencies.

In response to this, LOONIE ECOSYSTEM intends to present a platform that has three different services. The LOONIE platform will give users the opportunity to consolidate Bounty tokens, sell their valuable services and acquire crypto, and exchange crypto currencies in a decentralized and anonymous environment.



Decentralized exchange gives users the idea that knowing that their funds are not stored on a centralized server in a place where they can be easily targeted by hackers. However, most dexes have a negative side because it is very complicated to use. Our exchange will bring the masses into decentralized exchanges by offering a fast and user-friendly platform that uses two parallel blockchains synchronized by relays.

LOONIE Freelancer

Despite the fact that there are dozens of freelancing websites out there, Upwork, Freelancer.com, fivver.com, to mention just a few, there are still millions of Freelancers who don't get the chance to showcase their expertise.

Our platform will give every freelancer a fair chance to prove themselves and will give everyone a fair chance to get a good ranking by holding anonymous competitions in different categories and holding blind voting.

Bounty Exchange
Gone are the days when hired hunters used to get hundreds or even thousands of dollars doing what might seem like an ordinary task for weeks and weeks. Now one day will be lucky to find a good project that pays the bounty hunter well for their hard work. Sometimes after months of hard work, promoting a project, these hard-working people find themselves receiving a small share of prize tokens worth $ 5- $ 20.

They are then faced with the challenge of liquidating this token so that they can buy necessities for their families. They find themselves in one of three scenarios:

They can't send their tokens into exchange so they can exchange them with liquid coins like Bitcoin, why, because the exchange has a minimum deposit and they unfortunately can't fulfill it.
They can send tokens to the exchange, but they are rudely aware of the fact that they cannot trade their tokens because they do not have enough to meet the minimum trade.
If they are lucky enough to trade tokens, they only end up with very little to spend because the withdrawal costs of some exchanges are just too much to say the least.
Sales Token

Tokensale will take place soon!

Crowdsale starts on 28 September 2018.

If You Buy With Eth, Simply Send Your Eth From Wallet You Want To Receive Your Token For (Must Be An ERC20 Compatible Wallet). Eth Must Be Sent To The Address Of Smart Contracts Listed Below, Smart Contracts Will Send Your Token Immediately To Your Wallet.

If you want to buy using Bitcoin or Litecoin, please send your BTC to the address below. After you make a payment, fill in the form provided with complete details. Your token will be sent manually after the transaction has been fully verified by the team. If you want your token immediately, then please 
use Eth for payment!

for more information visit the following links:
ETH: 0x1ad209D66CDF9f49DB7B87Bd582DA32B2149968D


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